Nursing research is essential for advancing the profession and ensuring evidence-based patient care. The Mobile Facilitation Team (MOFATE) under the authorization of Tanzania Nursing and Midwifery Council (TNMC) has developed a comprehensive module on Nursing Research and its Role in Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) to equip nurses with the skills needed to conduct research and apply findings to clinical practice.

Module will cover 9 registered sessions,and  supervision activities, a total of 5.4 CPD points and a training certificate will be awarded.


Hi, . You have selected 

Overview of nursing research, Tsh 50,000 Package


  • Definition and importance of nursing research
  • Relationship between research and evidence-based practice (EBP)
  • Steps in EBP implementation
  • Examples of research impacting nursing practice


The payment for accessing this training package should be made through NMB account number 61810109927 under the name MOBILE FACILITATION TEAM or via Mpesa Lipa number 58193104, also registered under MOBILE FACILITATION TEAM. After completing the payment, kindly upload the receipt in the Payment Proof section for verification.

Hi, . You have selected 

Conceptualizing a research study, Tsh 80,000 Package


  • Identifying and formulating a research problem
  • Choosing and developing a conceptual framework
  • Writing researchable questions and objectives
  • Conducting a literature review


The payment for accessing this training package should be made through NMB account number 61810109927 under the name MOBILE FACILITATION TEAM or via Mpesa Lipa number 58193104, also registered under MOBILE FACILITATION TEAM. After completing the payment, kindly upload the receipt in the Payment Proof section for verification.

Hi, . You have selected 

Writing research methodology, Tsh 80,000 Package


  • Research design and setting (quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods)
  • Population and sampling techniques
  • Data collection methods
  • Ethical considerations in research
  • Ensuring validity and reliability
  • Identifying study limitations


The payment for accessing this training package should be made through NMB account number 61810109927 under the name MOBILE FACILITATION TEAM or via Mpesa Lipa number 58193104, also registered under MOBILE FACILITATION TEAM. After completing the payment, kindly upload the receipt in the Payment Proof section for verification.

Hi, . You have selected 

Analyzing quantitative data, Tsh 80,000 Package


  • Introduction to quantitative data analysis
  • Types of quantitative data
  • Key steps in quantitative data analysis
  • Tools for quantitative data analysis (SPSS, STATA)
  • Common errors and how to avoid them


The payment for accessing this training package should be made through NMB account number 61810109927 under the name MOBILE FACILITATION TEAM or via Mpesa Lipa number 58193104, also registered under MOBILE FACILITATION TEAM. After completing the payment, kindly upload the receipt in the Payment Proof section for verification.

Hi, . You have selected 

Analyzing qualitative data, Tsh 80,000 Package


  • Introduction to qualitative data analysis
  • Thematic Analysis (TA)
  • Qualitative Content Analysis (QCA)
  • Interpreting and presenting qualitative findings


The payment for accessing this training package should be made through NMB account number 61810109927 under the name MOBILE FACILITATION TEAM or via Mpesa Lipa number 58193104, also registered under MOBILE FACILITATION TEAM. After completing the payment, kindly upload the receipt in the Payment Proof section for verification.

Hi, . You have selected 

Conducting ethical research studies, Tsh 80,000 Package


  • Introduction to research ethics
  • Informed consent process
  • Confidentiality and data protection
  • Ethical approval and compliance
  • Integrity in data collection and reporting


The payment for accessing this training package should be made through NMB account number 61810109927 under the name MOBILE FACILITATION TEAM or via Mpesa Lipa number 58193104, also registered under MOBILE FACILITATION TEAM. After completing the payment, kindly upload the receipt in the Payment Proof section for verification.

Hi, . You have selected 

Dissemination of research findings, Tsh 80,000 Package


  • Writing a research report
  • Preparing a manuscript for publication
  • Presenting findings at scientific conferences and seminars
  • Writing policy briefs


The payment for accessing this training package should be made through NMB account number 61810109927 under the name MOBILE FACILITATION TEAM or via Mpesa Lipa number 58193104, also registered under MOBILE FACILITATION TEAM. After completing the payment, kindly upload the receipt in the Payment Proof section for verification.

Hi, . You have selected 

Authorship and publication, Tsh 80,000 Package


  • Criteria for authorship (ICMJE guidelines)
  • Selecting an appropriate journal for publication
  • Understanding the peer-review process and responding to reviewers


The payment for accessing this training package should be made through NMB account number 61810109927 under the name MOBILE FACILITATION TEAM or via Mpesa Lipa number 58193104, also registered under MOBILE FACILITATION TEAM. After completing the payment, kindly upload the receipt in the Payment Proof section for verification.

Hi, . You have selected 

Innovation development ventures, Tsh 80,000 Package


  • Identifying gaps and opportunities in healthcare research
  • Principles of innovation in nursing
  • Developing and testing new interventions
  • Funding sources and intellectual property rights


The payment for accessing this training package should be made through NMB account number 61810109927 under the name MOBILE FACILITATION TEAM or via Mpesa Lipa number 58193104, also registered under MOBILE FACILITATION TEAM. After completing the payment, kindly upload the receipt in the Payment Proof section for verification.

Hi, . You have selected 

Research supervision, Tsh 250,000 Package


  • Roles and responsibilities of a research supervisor
  • Mentorship and guiding research students
  • Reviewing research proposals and manuscripts


The payment for accessing this training package should be made through NMB account number 61810109927 under the name MOBILE FACILITATION TEAM or via Mpesa Lipa number 58193104, also registered under MOBILE FACILITATION TEAM. After completing the payment, kindly upload the receipt in the Payment Proof section for verification.

, Thank you for using MOFATE System and ensuring you have uploaded the right Receipt of payment proof on the right package. Now Please submit your form